Anvi Global
Mining | Infrastructure
Anvi Global
Enriching Communities
Anvi Global
Sustainable Development
Community Development

Anvi Global ensures that benefits and opportunities associated with mining activities are shared with, and contribute to the long-term sustainable development of local communities. We continuously strive for the process of increasing the strength and effectiveness of communities involved, improving peoples’ quality of life, and enabling people to participate in decision making and to achieve greater long-term control over their lives.Our community development involves empowering and helping communities to improve their social and physical environments, increase equity and social justice, overcome social exclusion, build social capital and capacities, and be involved in the strategic, assessment, and decision-making processes that influence local conditions.

Our community developments are based on fiduciary principles like;

  • Assessment of social, environmental and economic context.
  • Promoting human health at work and in the community.
  • Ensuring that all social investments are sustainable.
  • Protecting the environment.
  • Strategic planning for community development in integration with business, community and government planning.
  • Striving for continuous improvement through regular internal and external monitoring.
  • Demonstrating support and respect for the protection of human rights.
  • Ensuring transparent, fair and safe recruitment and employment practices.
  • Improve local participation, partnership, and engage with local communities and stakeholders.
  • Communication and transparency across the organization and local communities.
  • Building capacity within the company, local communities and local government authorities to manage community development.
Cultural Protection

Our respect towards Culture offers more than cultural heritage protection. Our strength lies in the combination of experience and knowledge in three different continents and their native specific sub areas

We not only respect and protect but also participate in:

  • Development Aid: from development aid or international co-operation we learned that High-Tech only approach is bound to fail, Local knowledge creates embedment, Participatory approach is essential and Sustainability is working for the future.
  • Conservation: Hands-on experience in conservation and the practical organization of the work is very useful for a clear understanding of how to protect cultural heritage in situ. Next, the science behind the materials and their interaction provides a valuable insight into the main threats to our heritage. Still, we believe prevention is better than cure and conserve the culture and heritage.
  • The Study of Society: shows us the importance of (inter-)national stakeholders, the need for their support, and how they are able to effect our work on regional and local level. Generally, it gives us a sound grasp of social phenomena on the macro level like globalization & localization, public & private economics, risk society, centre & periphery power relations.
  • The Study of Culture: provides us in detail the characteristics of the between culture and development teaches us how objects are shaped by their surroundings, how ideas (the intangible) interconnect with the concreteness of the artifact (the tangible).